WooCommerce Order Limit


There are times when you need more control over how much can be ordered from your online store. It has to be the right amount so the order is easy to fulfill. That’s where the WooCommerce Order Limit plugin comes in.

The WooCommerce limit order quantity plugin lets you create rules for minimum and maximum order limits. Create rules based on specific customers, products, and categories for both number of items ordered and the total order amount. The WooCommerce Order Limit Plugin gives you complete control over every order that’s placed on your store so you never have to worry about your production and shipping capacities.

Key Features of WooCommerce Order Limit Plugin

  • Create Rules Based on Customers, Products, and Categories
    WooCommerce Order Limit plugin includes 3 types of rules – Products, Categories, and Customers Rules. These various rules types – each with its own set of options and configurations – cater to a variety of use cases and give you fine control over the number of orders placed on your store.
  • Set Minimum and Maximum Limits
    You get the option to set both minimum and maximum order limits making this plugin suitable for a range of use cases.
  • Limit Number of Items OR Total Order Amount
    The limit quantity WooCommerce Plugin lets you do both – place a minimum or maximum limit on the number of items purchased OR the total order amount.
  • Time Spans of Order Limits
    By letting you choose the time span of limits, the limit order WooCommerce plugin lets you enforce the limits for the time period you have chosen. So, if you choose Daily as your time span, the plugin ensures no order exceeds the daily limit set.
  • Display Messages when Limits Reached
    You also get to customize the message displayed on the website when a certain limit is reached. A number of different message types are available on the store, which can be personalized with dynamic shortcodes.
  • Set Order Limits Across All Orders OR Current Order
    WooCommerce Order Limit plugin gives you an option to set order limits across All Orders, the Current User OR All Users.
  • Exclude Certain Products from Limit Rules
    With exclusion rules, you can exclude certain products from all limits set. Using a list of exclusions is preferable when limits are placed on majority of products. In that case, the ones that don’t need to be limited can be excluded.
  • Easy to Use Plugin
    A simple UI with self-explanatory tooltips and complete documentation make the WooCommerce Order Limit plugin extremely easy to use and configure.
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